Cara a Cara
An agave spirit balancing tradition and innovation to care for the environment and the people.
- Brand Discovery
- Consulting
- Naming
- Storytelling
- Web Development
- Launch Project
Cara a Cara was born at the height of the global pandemic; a time when we re-examined how to care for one another to celebrate life with our smiles hiding behind masks.
“Face to Face”; a name to remind us of what we most cherish and an invitation come face to face with our innate capacity to do good, and do well.

Cara a Cara is the story of a group of an unlikely combination of people who followed an instinct and created something beautiful.
A Mexican couple living abroad and longing for home.
A dry distillery in the hands of a hard working family.
Imagination hard at work and simple solutions to reactivate a family's patrimony creating an agave spirit worthy of every last drop.
Double distilled with rainwater.
Small Batch. Artisanal. Experimental.
Handcrafted in San Dionisio Oaxaca.

There are three typographic selections. The confrontation of the two main ones facing each other. At the center, a typographic composition that balances the other two.

To honor the artisanal production process we added hand painted illustrations using a combination of water and charcoal from burnt maguey.

The two silhouettes in the label represent the physical delineation of the roads that border the distillery while also depicting two face silhouettes facing each other.

The packaging had to be practical and cost effective. The substance we accomplished in the graphic execution was enough to deliver what we hoped for: abundant truth and hard work in a bottle that everyone can cherish. "Nature and Soul, always gazing into one another, as long as we remain face to face, we will enhance life."

Llena de tierra es el alma
Sustancia abundante
Donde la oscuridad revela lo que la luz oculta
Montes que llegan al cielo
Mares que tocan los fondos
Cantos de ave y rugidos del beedxje
Sabia eternidad
Naturaleza y alma
Por siempre nos miramos
Una cara frente a la otra
Adornamos la vida
Diego Leyva
Creative Direction & Art Direction
Natalia Becerra
Storytelling & Illustration
María Galindo
Branding Photography
Rick Rosales
Ali Alcantara